We are proud to have 29 farmers operating with Perutnina Ptuj who are committed to the standard of chicken-friendly farming. We are delighted to see their numbers continually increasing. Meet them!
Perutnina Ptuj is one of the few food systems to use reproductive chains in food production, which allow us to control every step of the process. Check the origin of your product and make sure it has not travelled thousands of kilometers. We have now transformed the "Origin" app into “Chat with chicken,” a chat tool that offers a more engaging and interactive approach, combining reliable and verifiable information with the help of AI.

Home breeding, a Slovenian speciality
Whatever is produced in Slovenia has an advantage over food from abroad, by thousands of kilometres. The main advantage is that the animals are reared on home soil, because the Slovenian way of breeding is very different from that in the big European countries. A network of local co-operators care for the development, health and welfare of the chickens on their farms. This way of breeding, in a domestic environment, is considered a treasure in the world, which even foreigners come to admire. That is why we would like Slovenian consumers to be able to appreciate it all the more.
It's better outside
The changes to the stables are evident, with climbing frames inside, large windows and external canopies, which account for more than a fifth of the total livestock area. The chickens are able to move around more and, in the fresh air and daylight, to browse unrestrictedly on the quality litter, much like hens in a farmyard. Chickens reared in such an environment feel and develop better. As a result, their meat is firmer, juicier and tastes more harmonious.
Chickens like being outside. Since they got their new terrace, they have more space and enjoy the fresh air. Their keepers take good care of them. Chicken-friendly farming is good for the animals because it means:
- more space
- more exercise
- getting outdoors
- more light
- more health
Our farmers are committed to chicken-friendly farming, but also make time for cooking and recipe experimentation. They excel at that also! Give their recipes a try with the PP Natur Premium products.