Meet the breeders
Darko Kegl

The beautiful Kegl Farm stands by the Mura River in Podgorje pri Apače. Our joint cooperation records 50 successful years. You know Darka Kegl from our posters, packaging, advertisements. It is our star that indicates the highest quality. He is an excellent colleague, with whom it is easier to achieve the highest standards. He always acts wholeheartedly as a pioneer in a range of innovative approaches. It is the first place where we have introduced a top-notch innovation - chicken-friendly farming. The farm is carefully equipped and boasts three stables. They are completely devoted to poultry farming. They cannot imagine that they are not a model of the highest quality in their industry in a given environment. They are already looking for new challenges.
Address: Podgorje 29a, Apače
Ivan Kolar

Our joint cooperation has been going on for more than 37 years. Ivan and Anica decided to dedicate themselves entirely to working on the farm, because there is a lot of work, especially if you want to work with quality and care. Their three daughters have decided to live in the city, but they fondly remember life on the farm, and they love coming home. "The differences in the new method of rearing are really big. The chickens are lively, they grow better. More movement is reflected in a different constitution and a different texture of the meat. This is what we used to know with domestic chickens that grazed in the yard," says Anica Kolar. "The chickens are also much healthier. Look at their legs, how healthy, strong, how playful and bouncy these animals are. This shows that they feel good," adds her husband Ivan.
Address: Drbetinci 10, Vitomarci
Janko Šega

On the slopes of green Pohorje stands a farm run by Janko Šega and her family. With a herd of dairy cattle and a barn full of poultry, the Šegovs are running out of work. Despite the busy workday, in which there is not much time for rest, the owner vigilantly follows the guidelines in the field of poultry farming. The introduction of a new way of husbandry, which prioritizes animal welfare, seems to him to be the right direction. "I think that such stables will become standards in the future. The animals are provided with sun, fresh air, exercise, quality bedding, and the interior elements provide additional enrichment of their living environment. This higher quality is known holistically, even in the final products, and I think consumers already recognize it. That's why we made a long-term commitment to chicken-friendly farming," explains Janko Šega.
Address: Turiška vas na Pohorje 7, Zgornja Ložnica
Voga Veronika

Marjeta and Anton Kolar have entrusted the management of their large estate to their youngest daughter, Veronika. Veronika's four sisters gladly assist her with the work.
They are involved in cattle farming, chicken farming, and viticulture. For several years, they have also been recognized for their farm tourism, as good news spreads quickly among people. They are always happy to welcome guests.
Marjeta Kolar describes the advantages of chicken-friendly farming: "This is it. This is the life for chickens. Just as it should be. They have more space, move around more, they enjoy outdoors, and have better food. You can really see how much they enjoy it." It’s easy to see that this family is marked by virtue and good spirits. Despite managing 45 heads of cattle, a chicken coop, 11,000 vines, and running a farm tourism business, they exude a sense of calm. Work strengthens and brings them joy. A truly pleasant family.
Address: Pletovarje 9, Dramlje
Marjan Slodnjak

For more than 35 years, in beautiful Brezovica near Polenšak, the Slodnjak family has dedicated their lives to poultry farming. They quickly realized the advantages of chicken-friendly farming and decided to modernize, which brought them even more enthusiasm for work. The farm also achieves high husbandry standards in cattle breeding, which reflects their efforts to achieve the breeding of high-quality meat.
Address: Brezovci 8, Polenšak
Milan Rodošek

Through the beautiful lowland landscape near the village of Trnovska, the route takes you to Desence to the Rodošek homestead, where the roots of chicken farming date back to 1979. the farm constantly intertwines chicken farming with pig farming. The family is devoted to both industries, so it would be difficult to choose which one we prefer." says Rodošek Marija, who accompanies her husband in managing the farm on a daily basis.
Milan and Marija have three children. The eldest son Kristjan is ready to take over the management of the farm when the time comes. Now, he happily absorbs the knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation in the family.
Address: Desenci 2, 2253 Destrnik
Mateja in Dušan Hercog

We all know the wonderful lowland rural landscape next to Hrastovec Castle. There you will easily discover the Hercog farm, which is adorned with two beautifully arranged buildings. In addition to poultry farming, the family is passionate about horse breeding. 38 years of cooperation with Perutnina Ptuj indicates a successful cooperation, which, with the addition of chicken-friendly farming, only confirmed the desire for excellence.
Address: Vinička vas 34, Lenart
Farm Boreci, Poultry cooperative Ptuj

For a decade, Stanko Jurkovič has been trying to conjure up the best conditions for raising chickens in eight buildings in a peaceful environment in the middle of a mixed forest. Thus, he gladly accepted the decision of the Poultry Cooperative to standardize on chicken-friendly breeding among the first breeders of the Ptuj Poultry Association. Stanko is convinced that more movement of the chickens, fewer chickens in the barn and chickens going out to fresh air improve the rearing conditions tremendously. At the Boreci farm, they are only engaged in chicken farming.
Title: Fighters
Address of PZP z.o.o.: Spodnja Hajdina 17, Hajdina
Janez Urbanič

The young owner Janez took over the management of the farm and enthusiastically updated the chicken farming to the standard of chicken-friendly farming. Work on the farm is varied, as it has been defined as a mixed farm for years. They are also engaged in pig farming. The farm counts 38 years of cooperation with Perutnina Ptuj.
Address: Zgornja Ščavnica 108, Sv. Ana in Slovenske gorice
Roman Meško

When you visit Farm Meško, you will immediately recognize the amateur's love for gardening, which complements their agricultural activity. In addition to cattle breeding, they have been recognized for poultry farming for more than 45 years. They immediately adopted the modern method of chicken-friendly farming and confirm the advantages of this type of farming.
Address: Vičanci 32, Velika Nedelja
Oskar Slatinšek

The Slatinšek farm is located in the Logar Valley. The farm is surrounded by forests and untouched nature. The beautiful forest landscape provides ideal conditions for cattle breeding and poultry farming. As a good owner, Oskar immediately evaluated the benefits of chicken-friendly farming and modernized the barn. It confirms the better well-being of the chickens and easier control. He is satisfied with the improved quality of the meat. His wife helps him with his work. They celebrate 37 years of cooperation with Perutnina Ptuj and look forward to further cooperation.
Address: Cesta v Savino 5, Ljubno ob Savinja
Ivan Frešer

Easy access to the farm and beautiful views of the Pohorje mountains inspire the Frešer family's daily work. In recent years, the younger Ivan, who is also the youngest son, took over the management. He enjoys his work immensely. 24 hours a day, he is involved in the events that take place in the barn, which has two floors. It wants to provide ideal conditions for above-standard husbandry. The father is still very enthusiastic about his work, as is his young wife. There is currently a pleasant anticipation on the farm, as they and Ivan are looking forward to the arrival of their third child. They look at life positively.
They are proud to be among the first breeders to choose chicken-friendly farming.
Address: Vrhole 46 a, Zgornja Ložnica
Marjeta Kolar

Marjeta and Anton Kolar have a huge property and a large family. They have 5 daughters who like to help them with their work. They are engaged in cattle breeding, chicken farming and viticulture. For several years now, they have also been recognized for Farming Tourism, as their good reputation spreads quickly among people. They are always happy to have guests. In a few years, the youngest daughter Veronika will take over the management of the farm and is already announcing the expansion with an additional barn with chicken-friendly breeding. The advantages of chicken-friendly farming are described by Marjeta Kolar "This is it. This is life for chickens. The way it should be. They have more space, they move more, they are in the open air, they have better food. You can really see how they enjoy it." You quickly recognize that this family is characterized by virtue and good will. Despite the 45 heads of cattle, the chicken coop, 11,000 reeds, and the management of farm tourism, they give a feeling of carefreeness. Work strengthens and makes them happy. A very nice family.
Address: Pletovarje 9, Dramlje
Primož Belšak

The Belšak family's youngest son Primož has been running the farm for 6 years, which is known for his modern methods of working in the stables. A computer scientist by profession, he transferred the entire event to computer monitoring and made continuous monitoring extremely easy. In his current job, Primož loves being the "master of his own time" and schedules his work over the course of the day as best suits him. As a result, they decided on a new breeding method when they had to rebuild the barn. The expansion of the barn with an outdoor terrace, where the chickens can move freely, is considered an excellent investment. Chickens move more, are exposed to more light, which is reflected in firmer meat.
Address: Gorenjski vrh 31 a, Zavrč
Tomaž Dobaj

The farm is located in a beautiful natural environment near the Jurij border crossing, which the Dobajes used for excellent poultry breeding according to the standard of chicken-friendly husbandry. In the immediate vicinity of the outdoor terrace of the barn, there is a babbling brook that flows into a wonderful forest, which fills the surroundings with peace. The location acts as a healing point, which can be seen in the relaxed state of healthy chickens. 46-year-old Tomaž Dobaj, who succeeded his father Ivan, has been running the farm for 5 years. With his care and enthusiasm for the varied everyday life, Tomaž ensures enthusiasm for the new way of breeding. "Everything is more lively for the animals, more movement, natural light. Before you opened the barn door and you had the feeling that the chickens were under stress, now they are relaxed, happy, curious."
They have more than 38 years of cooperation with Perutnina Ptuj. They had no qualms with the offer to improve the farming to the standard of chicken-friendly farming. They immediately recognized the advantages and the necessity that the modern consumer expects or demands.
Address: Jurski vrh 22, Zgornja Kungota
Davorin Jurković

Davorin took over the management of the farm 4 years ago, although he has been involved in the work for twelve years. The last of five children, he took care of the tradition to which the Jurkovičs have been devoted for 37 years. Both stables have been completely renovated, the outdoor terrace boasts a rich wooden structure. The views extend towards the nearby forest. "Now that there is a new farm, the chickens grow much easier because there are fewer of them. They feel better because of the bedding. Davorin's parents still help him to the greatest extent, but his wife decided that the family should move to Prekmurje to live with her parents. Davorin he enjoys everyday life between two places immensely, and he persistently passes on his love of work to his 9-year-old son.
Address: Stanetinci 46, Sv. Jurij ob Ščavnica
Martin Gregorec

42-year-old Martin is proud of his modern stable, which is located in the beautiful surroundings of Janežovsko vrh. He took over the farm, if we can still call it that because of its beautiful appearance, 4 years ago from his father Anton. He does most of the work himself, except before the stables, when the whole family joins him in the work, father Anton, mother Alenka, wife Vlatka, eldest son and 15- and 12-year-old daughters.
Martin highlights light as the biggest advantage of chicken-friendly farming. "It's much brighter in the barn. It's a completely different feeling when you now enter the barn and the daylight shines through the windows. The chickens are happy. They respond perfectly to the exits to the outside terrace. A very positive change compared to the previous conditions, when they were like in the bunker."
The family likes that their work allows them to spend a lot of time together.
"We like it best at home. We're cake lovers."
Address: Janežovski vrh 48 a, Destrnik
Simon Kušar

30-year-old Simon took over the management of the farm from his grandmother in 2011. Due to the death of his father, Simon had to skip the ease of his student years and, while studying, also take up work on the farm. In addition to 2 stables with chickens, friendly breeding takes care of 40 cattle on a daily basis. His mother and grandmothers are a great help to him. As the main advantage of chicken-friendly farming, he states that the chickens have more space and grow more evenly, move more...
Address: Križni Vrh 23, Laporje
Peter Krabonja

At the age of 45, Peter Krabonja has been dedicated to poultry farming and Perutnina Ptuj for 20 years with energy, positive attitude, enthusiasm and hard work. He also introduced his wife Karmen and his three children to the way the farm dictates, who, despite their teenage exuberance, like to help their father. The recognition of the family in the beautiful village of Sodinci has grown even more in recent years, as the new house was complemented by a new, modern barn. The Karbonjes believe that work fulfills a person. They like to enjoy the fruits that they create themselves. They really like PPR farming, because the animals are outdoors and have more room to move, they are healthier, the meat is firmer.
Peter Krabonja still has 4 stables in Stojnec, but he has not yet established a new way of breeding there. In a comparison of the two farming methods, he swears by a new way, chicken-friendly farming. So, right now, the building permit for the extension of the barn for PPR breeding is also in the phase of obtaining in these 4 barns. He is a man who is driven forward by pride and takes great pleasure in upgrading and modernizing his farm. "He likes to be his own boss, who schedules his time as he sees fit."
Address: Sodinci 28, Velika Nedelja
Anita Doberšek

Since 1975, the Doberškovs have been registered chicken farmers. The stable, which is placed away from the populated Rač drawer, is unobtrusive and the whole farm works simply. Anita took over the management of the farm after her father's death and proudly says that her thirty-year-old daughter is also ready to take over. Anita gets along perfectly with her daughter's family, who have expanded their warm home on the farm with additional rooms. They spend a lot of time together. They like to ride bikes, go for walks. The skinned go to the sea and in the winter to the spa. With plenty of hard work, they also know how to relax, which further encourages them to continue working. My daughter's husband Stanko is busy, but he likes to help very much. They are glad that they allowed themselves to be convinced of a new way of farming. "The chickens feel better, everything is more dynamic, they move more. The most important thing is that there are fewer veterinary examinations, the chickens are much healthier."
The job can be stressful, especially when you have to get up several times during the night to supervise, but the whole family appreciates the advantage of working from home.
Address: Cesta talcev 83, Rače
Uroš Braček

The Braček family has been engaged in agriculture since 1989. Ivan took over the management of the farm 29 years ago, and in 2020 he handed it over to his son Uroš. Their main activity is cattle breeding, which they pleasantly complement with other activities, as everyone in the family likes to work very much. The family is proud to be a classic Slovenian farm, where everyone knows how to work together and is driven by youthful enthusiasm.
Address: Hvaletinci 13, Vitomarci
Branko Ramot

The Ramot's family are united by a common love for work. "We love to work. All in the family." The farm has been run and managed by Branko for 25 years, who will hand over management to his youngest son in the following years. Despite the fact that their main activity is cattle breeding, they are dedicated to chicken farming according to the PPR standard. We would like to add 1 more barn. They are very satisfied with the new method of husbandry, as they perceive a better well-being of the animals, due to the lower density of animals. Everything is happening more dynamically.
Their farm is in a wonderful location in the middle of vast forests and beautiful hills. They are set back from the main road, almost hidden in idyllic surroundings.
Address: Preloge 5, Zgornja Ložnica
Zvonko Grubelnik

Grubelnik Zvonko and his wife Janja provide excellent conditions for PPR chicken farming in the beautiful nature of the Pohorje Mountains, next to a stream, in a forest, in extremely fresh air. The barn is modernly arranged. The beautiful building blends into the natural surroundings, where the babbling stream enriches everything. Zvonko has a very hardworking and faithful assistant at work, his labrador dog Labi. Labi has developed an extraordinary feeling for bringing the chickens from the outdoor terrace back to the barn in the evening. Zvonko describes how it is necessary to make an effort every day so that the chickens go back to the barn nicely: "You have to be punctual, at the same time every day. If you are late, they are no longer willing to go back to the barn. The chickens love to be outside. They like it fresh air. You can see how happy they are." He points out, "They like to go out."
His 26-year-old twin sons, help him with his work.
Address: Lehen na Pohorje 2, Podvelka
Robert Pevec

A young family with three children is completely devoted to the pleasures of life on the farm. Robert took over the management of the farm from his father in 2002. The main activity remains cattle breeding. The farm has been around for 44 years. The farm has been raising chickens from the very beginning.
They are happy that they decided on PPR breeding. "Fewer chickens in the barn, which are more lively. Better working conditions, greater transparency, the possibility of release. These are just some of the advantages," affirms Robert.
Address: Slatina pri Ponikva 10, Ponikva
Jože Fornezzi

Fornezzi Jože started raising chickens in 2004, when he took over the business from his father. Immediately upon the introduction of the PPR standard, he decided on a new method of farming, as the farm is located in unspoilt nature in the heart of the Pohor Forest. The natural surroundings, which are limited by steep slopes and forests, dictate the work of small-scale and high-quality breeding.
"The main advantage of PPR farming is the lower density of chickens per m² in the barn. The chickens feel better because they have more space to move around. The advantage is also natural light and a greater amount of fresh air. As a result, they are more beautiful growths."
Address: Zgornji Lehen na Pohorje 30, Ribnica na Pohorje
Ivan Pučko

Ivan has been managing the farm with dedication and care since he was 18 years old, a string of 26 years of operation. The affection for poultry farming and Perutnina Ptuj in his family goes back decades, to Ivan's grandfather, also Ivan. If you ask Ivan when his "career" began, he will gladly answer: "From a young age!" At the Dobrovnik farm, he has already established 9 stables, where he is most happy to submit his work to the standard of chicken-friendly husbandry. 8 years ago, he employed two more people, a couple, because he could no longer cope with the abundance of work if he wanted to achieve the highest breeding goals with quality.
He describes chicken-friendly farming as an extremely large contribution to the animals, as they move outdoors, remain healthy and, with the established standard, it is easier to maintain the best climate for optimal breeding.
Address: Vitomarci 42c, Vitomarci
Branko Majcen

Majcen Branko decided to change careers 34 years ago. Working in the purchasing department of the Ptuj hospital no longer presented any challenges to him. The father of two children wanted a more independent path and thus chose agricultural activity. In the first 4 years, he devoted himself entirely to pig farming, to which he added chicken farming at the initiative of his mother Marija. He extended the stable from the original 64 m by another 88 m. He had no predecessor in the family, but he knew how to let himself be guided by the advice of his wife's father. Son Dejan is ready to take over the farm, but only if Branko completely stops working. Branko likes to work very much, prefers chicken-friendly farming after the introduction of the standard, because the working conditions are improved: less density in the barn, drier, easier monitoring of the animals. He also enjoys landscaping.
Address: Brunšvik 55, Rače
Darjan Podgoršek

Address: Formin 54 a, Gorišnica
Edvard Prančberger

After many years of rich experience with pig farming, Edvard decided to try his hand at poultry farming as well. He immediately joined the PPR breeders group, believing that quality backyard-like breeding is the way to quality meat. After the first stables, he hopes for an even better cooperation with Perutnina Ptuj and, given the excellent conditions, he is ready to expand and improve his results. He believes that the construction of the first stable is only the beginning and not the desired scope. He manages the farm together with his caring wife. They have realized a very modern, pleasant life in the beautiful lowland nature next to the grove. All activities are enthusiastically monitored by their pet, the farm shepherd. A son-in-law or a group of workers come to help them with larger works. They enjoy realizing their plans. Proud of their achievements, they are focused on the future and economic growth.
Address: Zg. Ščavnica 61, 2233 Sveta Ana
Peršuh d.o.o.

Address: Župečja vas 1D, Lovrenc na Dravskem polju
Zalokar Suzana

Address: Šedina 1, Dramlje 3222